Thursday, April 28, 2011

Slinging Mud

She insisted on wearing a "fluffy" dress today. I said, "Why not save it until Sunday?" No, it must be worn right now, no delays! I zipped her up and tied the bow, sighing because the tag reads DRY CLEAN ONLY. I pathetically warned under my breath, "Don't get it dirty." I know the truth, this little number will be the rag bag before the end of the season. She skipped away, as happy as a princess.

Hours later I spied her transporting water from the kitchen to the backyard.....This could only mean one thing. Mud. Not good. I didn't rush out, the damage was already done, right? I hesitantly followed her path of puddles to the porch where I found the dress, discarded.

Picture Perfect!

 My radiant little Phoebe. How can I not appreciate her zest for life! She sings her heart out to Francesca Battistelli, drags around a worn out blanket, demands an audience, and adds color (literally) to my life.

Pretty princess.

Just a little finger paint Mom...

But Mommy, the baby wanted me to color on her face!

This is the stuff that drives me crazy! This is the stuff of that makes me smile....after I clean up the mess. I'm in love.


  1. At least she discarded the dress BEFORE she hit the mud!

    This is why I'll never rise to the ranks of your fun mom status. You took a picture instead of flipping out.

    Your girl lives large. It's beautiful! That zest for life will take her far.

  2. I am so with your friend Jessica, I have /will not rise to the "fun mom status" either because I would have been yelling before the sink started filling the bowl with water, I really need a good dose of chill out juice! I need a new loo on life really I do! Thanks Reagan for reminding me of the reality of my stinkin' thinkin'!

  3. The paints, markers, and mud! Perfect recipe for fun. ;-)
