Saturday, July 2, 2011

Haircuts and Heartaches

My Annie girl had the cutest little pixie cut. That is, until her older brothers told her she looked like a boy. It was a nightmare to grow those bangs out! Her light brown hair has grown long and thick these past few years... She started murmuring about a "new style" several months ago. Circling pictures in magazines, pointing out cute tweeny girls at the store. I put her off and put her off and then I flat out said NO! Those long locks are as good as my own, Baby! Wasn't I the one who washed, brushed and detangled? As mothering goes, I'm just a tad controlling.

Ethan and Annie, Spring 2008

I realize I need to let my girl be her own girl. Even if that means she'd rather look like Celina Gomez than Ramona Quimby. So, I caved today. Annie skipped right up to the salon chair, picture in hand, and grew up right before my eyes. 

One pleased customer!

But as I mentioned, I like to be in charge. Phoebe Ryann is still young and pixie cuts are still darn cute!


  1. I have missed your posts :) This momma is a bit of a control freak too... certainly when it comes to hair, but I hope I will loosen up as they get older... or not so much. I just pray to pour out grace to them.... and right now I am failing! Thanks for sharing... you always help me!
    Love ya, Brandee

  2. I'm a little sensitive about my hair too, as I've also been told I look like a boy with short hair (and not by my brother!). So, I understand Annie wanting longer hair. I like the cute cut and Miss Phoebe's too!

  3. I am SUCH a hair control freak, too. I almost cried when Abby got her hair cut short. I am still in denial that it works better on her fine hair that the long, tangled locks. And I do agree with you--our mother-work and time put in on the hair does entitle us to some opinions!

  4. Yes, a grown-up little girl right before your eyes! Isn't it crazy what a hairstyle does to the look and feel of a kid? (or adult?!) She's darn cute!
