"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:10
I've been fighting it, pursuing this dream of mine. Finding every good excuse under the sun not to do it. Really, He wouldn't use me. I'm such a screw up.
And then the phone rings.
And then I'm scrubbing walls after bedtime.
And then I get that email.
And I am reminded that this is who I am. This is why HE created me. To be right where I am, the wife of this great guy, the mama to our five... and to still have room at my table and in my heart.
I don't why.
Chaos loves company?
Or do I love chaos???
Um, yeah.
*Tonight I said goodbye to a dear friend. I've done it before, too many times. I'm heartbroken to see her go but so grateful that God put her in my life. His timing was perfect. From her I've learned that there isn't anything more fulfilling, more rewarding or more needed then being "me". No one else can fill "my" shoes.
And no one else can fill yours, Erika. I will miss you.
Did you read Nienie's Heaven is Here? If not, I'm going to send you my copy. Here's a link to an excerpt. The entire time I read this book I was thinking of someone and it wasn't until today that it dawned on me that it was you. Reads this, you'll know why.